Nuxt UI Pro is a collection of premium components built on top of Nuxt UI to create beautiful & responsive Nuxt applications in minutes.
It includes all primitives to build landing pages, documentation, blogs, changelog, dashboards or entire SaaS products.
Nuxt UI Pro ships with an extensive set of advanced components that cover a wide range of use-cases. Carefully crafted to reduce boilerplate code without sacrificing flexibility.
app.vue<script setup lang="ts"> const links = [ { to: '/', label: 'Home' }, { to: '/about', label: 'About' }, { to: '/contact', label: 'Contact' } ] </script> <template> <UHeader :links="links" /> <UMain> <ULandingHero title="Hello World" /> <ULandingSection title="Features"> <UPageGrid> <ULandingCard title="First Card" /> <ULandingCard title="Second Card" /> <ULandingCard title="Third Card" /> </UPageGrid> </ULandingSection> </UMain> <UFooter /> </template>
Although you can use any data source you want, Nuxt UI Pro is fully integrated with Nuxt Content and provides additional features when the module is detected.
pages/[...slug].vue<script setup lang="ts"> const route = useRoute() const { data: page } = await useAsyncData(route.path, () => queryContent(route.path).findOne()) </script> <template> <UPage> <UPageHeader :title="page.title" :description="page.description" :links="page.links" /> <UPageBody prose> <ContentRenderer v-if="page.body" :value="page" /> </UPageBody> <template #right> <UDocsToc :links="page.body.toc.links" /> </template> </UPage> </template>
Whether you are building docs for your open source project or to explain your product, Nuxt UI Pro got you covered.
Getting Started
Learn how to install and configure the module in your Nuxt app.
Stop wasting time building another landing page, Nuxt UI Pro flexible components will allow you to focus on your content.
Whether you are building docs for your open source project or to explain your product, Nuxt UI Pro got you covered.
Use our templates or put the pieces together to build a complete application with a landing page,
documentation, blog, changelog, pricing page, dashboard, etc.
Coming soonDocs
Coming soonBlog
Coming soonPricing
Coming soonChangelog
Coming soonDashboard
Coming soonNuxt UI Pro is a one time purchase, you will get all the updates and support forever.
Get started for free in development.
For bootstrappers and indie hackers.
Unlimited license for growing teams.
If you can't find what you're looking for, email our support team and if you're lucky someone will get back to you.
We have much better than a free trial, you can use Nuxt UI Pro for free in development mode. Once you are ready to deploy your application, you can purchase a license.